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Hartford Ct Earthquake

**Hartford, Connecticut Experiences Series of Earthquakes** Hartford, Connecticut, has recently experienced several earthquakes, with the most recent one occurring on March 5, 2021. **Recent Earthquakes** According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the following earthquakes were recorded near Hartford: * **March 5, 2021:** Magnitude 1.9, 1 km depth, West Hartford * **March 5, 2021:** Magnitude 1.9, occurred concurrently with the previous earthquake * **March 28, 2024:** Magnitude 4.0, southeastern Connecticut **Impacts** The earthquakes caused shaking buildings and rattled windows, but no significant damage or injuries were reported. However, authorities are urging residents to be prepared for potential aftershocks. **Geology of Hartford** Hartford is located in a region known as the Hartford Basin, a geological formation that has experienced earthquakes in the past. The basin is formed by a layer of soft sedimentary rock that lies over bedrock. Earthquakes can occur when stress accumulates along fault lines in the bedrock. **Preparedness** While earthquakes are relatively uncommon in the Hartford area, residents should be prepared for them. The USGS recommends the following steps: * Create an emergency plan and have a designated meeting place for family members. * Secure heavy objects in your home, such as bookshelves and appliances. * Keep an emergency kit with essential supplies, such as water, non-perishable food, a first-aid kit, and a flashlight. * Learn basic first aid and CPR. Authorities continue to monitor the situation and will provide updates as needed. Residents are advised to stay informed and follow safety guidelines.
